Understanding the nuances of liability in overloaded truck cases is crucial for any business operating in the transportation sector. Accidents involving commercial trucks can have serious repercussions for the drivers and victims involved and the companies operating...
Service – Strategy – Results
What Defenses Can a Texas Business Use to Defend Against a Truck Accident Lawsuit?
Truck accidents can pose significant legal and financial challenges for businesses. Although safety is the top priority of many trucking companies, accidents still occur, putting the business at risk of liability and litigation. Navigating the aftermath of these...
Can a Trucking Company Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident in Texas?
In the trucking industry, understanding liability in the event of an accident is crucial for every company. Trucking companies must be aware of the various scenarios that could lead to them being held responsible for accidents involving their vehicles. Factors such as...
What Is the Best Defense Tactic for a Truck Accident Defense Case?
18-wheelers and other commercial trucks are familiar sights on Texas roads and highways. While many trucking companies take steps to ensure the safety of their drivers and others on the road, accidents still occur, bringing up legal challenges and questions about...
Can a Truck Accident Defense Lawyer Help If You Were Involved in an Unavoidable Accident?
Navigating the complexities of trucking accidents can be overwhelming for businesses as they navigate complex questions regarding negligence and liability. In some cases, the accident may have been unavoidable. If no one could have prevented the accident, your company...
Who Can File a Texas Dram Shop Claim?
Establishments that serve alcohol often face a delicate balance between offering hospitality and risking liability. In the Lone Star State, multiple parties can raise a dram shop liability claim, casting a wide net of potential challenges for businesses. Depending on...
How an Experienced Attorney Can Make a Difference When Defending Against Commercial Truck Accidents
While business owners make safety one of their chief priorities, unforeseen events like commercial truck accidents can bring their operations to a grinding halt. The aftermath of these accidents can be financially devastating and often lead to lengthy disputes and...
Handling Wrongful Death Claims Against Your Business
Running a successful business comes with its fair share of hardships and responsibilities, one of which is ensuring the safety and well-being of others. Despite your best efforts to maintain a high standard of safety, accidents can happen and may lead to tragic...
Fahl & Donaldson is proud to announce the selection of Kelly Donaldson to the 2023 Texas Super Lawyers List
Fahl & Donaldson is proud to announce the selection of Kelly Donaldson to the 2023 Texas Super Lawyers List
Assaults and Improper Security: What Are Your Defense Options?
In today's world, security is a paramount concern for businesses in Texas and across the United States. While businesses strive to create a safe environment for employees, customers, and visitors, unforeseen incidents such as assaults can occur. When they do,...